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Please be sure and include the address in which you want the information mailed out to, If you want it all done via email please specify that with email address you want it sent to :) 

We are always happy to  mail you out some brochures with 

prices to help in your decision making process.

If you are interested in something custom you 

can send us the ideas that you have and we can 

see about getting you a drawing and price on 

that as well. All of monuments have a layout 

that is mailed to our customers for approval 

before the monument is made. Thank you for

your interest in our business. 

Write your message here. Fill out the form:


Latest comments

04.06 | 18:26

Jill was so patient and kind in helping us with our mother's headstone. It came out perfect. I would definitely recommend them to anyone in need of a monument.

15.02 | 05:00

If what I see in the picture of the artists rendering of the photo, I couldn’t be happier and will be there to order a memorial to honor my dear son of almost 23 years of age. Utterly amazing artist.

08.10 | 11:33

Their work is impeccable! I ask for so many extras and he did an excellent job. I highly recommend this company.

18.04 | 22:48

Artistic Monuments created the monument for our son's grave. Fantastic job, reasonable price, & a great comfort to have something so beautiful to honor Josh.